How to do it yourself
A great advantage of Celomix liquid wallpaper is that you can do it yourself easily without requiring any previous experience or special equipment. Here on this website, we have provided step-by-step instructions on how to prepare and apply Celomix on any surface. Other instructions including how to create patterns, repair, and clean Celomix are provided at the end. Make sure you follow every step carefully and patiently.
Our video tutorials are very helpful for learners to watch the instructions and learn it faster. Additionally, a full-text instruction file is provided for those who prefer to use a textual user guide.

Work Steps
If it's your first time to use liquid wallpaper, make sure that you follow each step carefully as it is explained here. Don't jump to the next step before you complete the previous step.

STEP 1: Calculate the needed material
In the first step, you should calculate how much Celomix material you need to purchase. To calculate the required amount of Celomix material, you need to calculate the area of the surface carefully. for every 3 square meters, you will need 1kg of Celomix material. So, if your surface area is 24 square meters, you will need 8kg of Celomix material. It would be better if you buy an extra pack of Celomix as you might waste some of the material during the preparation or application. You can also keep the extra pack for repairs in the future.

STEP 2: Prepare the Surface
Clean the surface thoroughly to remove dust and particles that prevent Celomix paste from the wall. There is no need for undercoating before applying Celomix on the wall. However, the moistened walls should be repaired, and the large cavities
must be filled before applying the prepared material to have a seamless surface.
*Any other coating materials previously applied on the wall, such as wallpaper or sandblast, should be removed before applying Celomix. Plaster surfaces must be oiled in advance and let get dried before you apply them.
*For a polished surface such as glass, gloss paint, or any slippery surface, you can add some resin and sand to make it rough enough to hold the material on the surface.

STEP 3: Prepare the liquid wallpaper
Pour the needed amount of Celomix in a tub (plastic tubs are preferred). Mix the powder with tepid water (not hot) to have a firm paste. The required amount of added water should be 4 liters for each Kg of dry powder. Thoroughly stir the paste for at least 10 minutes and knead it by hand to prevent the formation of clots of glue. Repeat the kneading after 25 to 45 minutes.
*The required amount of added water may vary depending on the conditions of the surface. For a gloss paint surface, 4 liters of water per kg of dry Celomix powder is enough. For plaster, cement, or other types of cellulose-coated surface, you may need 5 liters of water for each Kg of dry powder. If the paste is not firm enough due to the excessive added water, you can add some powder to the mixture.
*After adding water to the Celomix material, the color looks slightly darker than the original color. But when it dries up, it will be the original color.
*The prepared paste can be used up to 24 hours after preparation. However, if you keep it for more than 24 hours, it may lose its cohesive properties and can not be used.

STEP 4: Apply the liquid wallpaper on the surface
Put a handful amount of Celomix paste on the trowel and slowly spread it over the surface with a thickness of about 2 mm. Continue until you cover the entire surface with the material with an even thickness between 1.5 to 2.5 mm. After you finish applying, give it 8 to 24 hours to dry up depending on humidity and temperature.
*Keep in mind that it needs current air so that the moisture can be removed from the applied paste on the wall.
*No touch or contact with the surface before it completely dries up.

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You can call our customer support line to ask your questions and receive help from our expert team. Our colleagues will provide guidance and answer your questions if you get stuck in the middle of the work. Before calling our customer support line, please make sure that you have followed the step-by-step user guide on this website.